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Diesel mangler pt. 1 polsk cert, for at opnå titlen, Polsk Champion.

Myndeklubben Nyborg


16 months, excellent coat and skin, with good head, needs a little more upper arm and can fill in his chest and this shows in his front action, good arch over the loin, his croup could be better, i would like a little more scope in his front action.

Dommer : Frank Kane

klasse: Junior

placering: Excellent

Nørresundby 9/7-16Myndeklubben

young male, with nice head, correct ears, elegant neck, nice lines of body, chest deep enough, a little upright in front, very well angulated behind, well bend stifel, for me a little flat ribs, free and connected mover from all directions, but like to see longer stride in front

Dommer: Ales Nova

Klasse: Junior

Placering: Excellent, 4 vinder

Hasmark d. 28/5-16Myndeklubben

10 months 55 cm well developed male correct head and expression strong scissorbite long and strong neckline back strong and softly rounded deep chest legs parallelle in front and behind hindquarters well developed moderately angulated in front friendly behavior moves sometimes in pasgang

Dommer: Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers

Klasse: Junior

Placering: Excellent, 2 vinder

Roskilde d. 1/5-2016, DKK

Myket bra hoved og udtryk. Mørke øjne. Fine ører. Bra hals. Bra overlinje. Fin underlinje. Rak overarm. Bra vinkler bag. Kunne have lite mere kraft i bagstellet men rør sig iøvrigt vel

Dommer: Torbjörn Skaa

Klasse: Junior

Placering: Excellent 2. vinder